URL Monitoring Software

Use ChangeTower's domain scanner features to build lists of existing URLs, track new URLs for compliance purposes, or monitor URLs on competitor websites

Start Monitoring Now

Websites develop incredibly complex site hierarchies, especially for major corporations or sites with years of domain establishment.

URL monitoring can be a cumbersome or impossible task without automation, and missing broken URLs, incorrect information, or code or security issues without an accurate site hierarchy can cost time, money, and brand reputation.

Let ChangeTower’s domain scanner tools help. Easily set up domain scanning to monitor all existing, new, or lost URLs under a given domain to maintain real-time intelligence and make informed, actionable decisions as they are needed. Track competitor website changes to identify new content or product or service offerings. Identify duplicate or problematic URLs for yourself or your clients. Automate reporting and notifications to save yourself time and hassle.

Domain health

Maintain a clear picture of your domain’s site architecture for yourself or your development team. Identify duplications or broken pages to improve technical scores for SEO or user experience purposes.

Compliance automation

Easily flag new URLs for your compliance team to review in batches and track to ensure nothing is missed. Avoid errors or liability issues.

Maintain security

Quickly identify and respond to security or data threats with URL monitor notifications. Assess issues and subsidiary or affected pages, respond with your team, and maintain your domain integrity.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I setup URL monitoring for multiple domains?

Yes. You can track multiple domains and create custom reporting and notifications for each.

Can I share URL monitor access with others?

Yes. ChangeTower offers different plans to add multiple team members or share access with compliance or legal teams for better liability and risk assessment processes.

How do I receive URL monitoring updates?

ChangeTower offers a variety of notification settings and custom features for you to create a system that works best for yourself and your organization.